Did you know?
Four million children are added to India's orphan population each year.
There are nearly 25 million children growing up on the streets in India.
"No One person can change the world but you can change the world for One person."
G. Hoffman
Dear Friends,
We want to personally thank you for visiting Aashna Charity Foundation's website.
Over the past few years, we have had the opportunity to travel to India and reflect on what we saw on the streets in our native state of Gujarat. The sights were heart-breaking. Everywhere we turned we saw half-starved, sick, underprivileged children, some who have given up the hope and desire to live. With no one to provide shelter or care, these children are left to wander the streets in search for food. There, many of them become victims of violence, sexual abuse, physical and psychological trauma, trafficking, and malnutrition among other things.
Unable to bear the thought of how these innocent children were suffering, we knew we had to take action; We decided we can help these children and make a difference. Thus, Aashna Charity Foundation, a non-profit charity organization was born. Through this foundation, we intend to come to the rescue of homeless and orphaned children that have been rejected by society and help them grow into confident and educated young adults so that they can go out and build a brighter future for themselves.
With 25 million orphaned children in India, our goal is not easy and the journey is promised to be difficult. But as Mother Theresa had once wisely said, "'We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less without that missing drop. We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love."
We appreciate your love and support. Please donate as much as your heart desires while keeping in mind the thought of rescuing an orphan and giving them a home, a hope, and a future.
Bharat Thakkar
Hema Thakkar
Rena Thakkar
Seema Thakkar
Kiran Thakkar