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Aashna Charity Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescue, care for, and improve the life of orphans living in India.

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Our Mission

  • Provide basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter to orphans living in India
  • Educate the children in gaining necessary skills to become self-supporting members of society
  • Increase public awareness to the needs of all disadvantaged and less fortunate children

Our Vision

  • To bring orphans immediate relief from hunger, sickness and premature death

  • To see that every child is cared for, protected, and loved

  • To bring lasting solutions that care for the children's physical, educational, and spiritual needs

Why Donate to Us?

  • Your contribution will be used to support member orphanages and eventually to establish and maintain new ones throughout India
  • We will periodically report to you the details and progress of the projects you are sponsoring
  • Your donations are fully tax-deductible